
The obvious benefits of salmon is the omega-3 content, however recent studies have shows salmon to contain small protein molecules called bioactive peptides.  These small peptides help with reducing inflammation in the digestive tract, joint cartilage lubrication, and increase efficiency of insulin to keep blood sugars low while burning fat as energy instead of storing it.
Overall asparagus contains more nutrients than almost any other vegetable, specifically it is the highest source of Folic Acid.  Folic Acid is necessary for blood cell formation growth, and aids in preventing liver disease.  Three key elements make me consider Asparagus as a super food - Great source of fiber, super low calories, and a rich source of vitamin B6.  Other benefits not mentioned are high source of Thiamin, Potassium, and Rutin. (Rutin contains a compound which strengthens capillary walls)
Avocados are very high in monounsaturated fats (good fats), and are a very powerful antioxidant rich food.  The antioxidant capability of avocados is knows to block over 30 knows cancer causing carcinogens.  Other benefits include high in potassium, fiber, Magnesium, and vitamin E. 
There is a compound in grapefruit known to help lower insulin levels which, in turn, releases fat storage.  Studies have shown that incorporating half a grapefruit before each meal could help you lose a pound of weight per week!!  Other benefits are high in protein and 90% water to promote fullness.
Blueberries are high in fiber to help you feel full, low in calories (1 cup = 80 calories), and best of all they are widely known for their anti-aging characteristics. 
Plain oatmeal, natural and whole grain,  packs 4 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein in just half a cup.  A half of cup of resisted starch oatmeal per day helps increase metabolism and burn fat throughout the day.
Bananas have a whopping 12.5 grams of resistant starch helping you slim down and set your metabolism on fire.  A slightly green banana is the best, as a banana ages (completely yellow) it tends to decrease in resistant starch but even a completely ripe banana still possesses 5 grams of RS. 
For losing weight broccoli is a must, with 8 grams of fiber and only 30 calories per serving broccoli is a super great side to a high protein entrée such as salmon or chicken.  Broccoli is very high in vitamin C and is known for it's cancer fighting properties.
Having a handful of almonds in between meals will get your metabolism buzzing while you are torching your body fat.  Almonds contain a huge amount of monounsaturated fats (good fats) at 9.5 grams, 6 grams of protein, and 4 grams of fiber per 1/4 cup.  Other benefits include 8% iron, and 8% calcium per serving. 
Black Beans
Black beans make it to the "Super List" because it's considered by some experts to be one of the healthiest foods in the world.  1 cup of black beans provide 60% of your daily requirement of fiber, 30% of protein, and 20% of iron.  Also black beans provide incredibly high nutrients such as Folate, Magnesium, and Vitamin B1.  Furthermore, black beans have great benefits toward lowering your risk of colon cancer.  Black beans provide the perfect playground for the production of butyric acid which allows the lower digestive tract to function properly. 

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