Friday, August 2, 2013

Causes of Belly Fat

There are three main reasons that cause us to put on and retain belly fat.  Individuals with higher levels of belly fat have been linked to some serious diseases including heart attack, and stroke.  Also it is known that 1 lb of belly fat is known to put over 10 lbs of pressure on your lower back.

  1. Trans Fats:  Trans Fat foods are typically found in commercially processed foods such as cookies, pies, potato chips, hot pockets, and even protein bars.  These condensed foods are typically much higher in calories than meals prepared at home.
  2. Saturated Fats:  Foods that contain high saturated fats are typically found in animal meats such as pork, beef, lamb, veal, and poultry.  There are many diary items that are high in saturated fat, some of these include whole milk, butter, ranch dressing, and even cheese.  If you consume large amounts of these foods, most likely you are toting around a spare tire of fat. 
  3. Refined SugarsRefined sugar items such as table sugar, pop, sports drinks, sugary cereal, and candy if not used for energy will turn to fat.  Also known as simple carbohydrates these items tend to be high in calories and low in vitamin content. 
Some nutritionists say to avoid these items all together, I think minimal amounts are fine as long as combine them with an active lifestyle.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

6 Supplements Essential to Maximize Fat Loss

  • Vitamin D
    • Helps insulin turn sugar and carbohydrates into energy rather than fat.

  • Polyphenols
    • Antioxidant that is present in green tea.  Helps boost your base metabolic rate so your body naturally consumes more calories performing it's daily functions such as running all of your organs.  Tests have shown an increase as high as 17% in your metabolic rate by incorporating antioxidants in your daily regimen. 

  • Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
    • Typically found in peanut butter, avocados, olive oil, nuts, and chocolate.  It has been shown to reduce belly fat as well as a natural appetite suppressor. 

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids
    • Typically found in salmon, these fatty acids actually trigger fat burning cells in the human body as well as enhance your mood to avoid emotional over eating.

  • Protein
    • Studies have shown individuals with more muscle tend to burn fat stores at a faster rate.  In other words the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn.  By keeping your protein intake high there is a sense of fullness, it also keeps your muscle building potential maximized.  A great side affect of a high protein diet is the lean muscle and strength gains.

  • Calcium
    • Works in conjunction with Vitamin D, the more calcium you have in your body the more fat your cells release to be turned into energy. 

Maximizing the levels of these vitamins and supplements can help turn your body into a fat burning machine!!   

7 Best Supplements for Weight Loss | Healthy Living - Yahoo! Shine